Prayer Shawls for Families of Servicemembers

Dedicated to providing prayer shawls for families of fallen service personnel.


Prayer Shawl Ministry:

Hand knitted prayer shawls bring love, warmth, and comfort to the bereaved.  The Prayer Shawl Ministry has been in existence since 1998, growing into hundreds of grass roots prayer shawl groups throughout our country.  Shawls are made to give hope, peace, and healing to their recipients.  Quoting from the Prayer Shawl Ministry Website: “Whether they are called Prayer Shawls, Comfort Shawls, Peace Shawls, or Mantles, etc., the shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient.   The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl.  Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way.”  Janet Bristow and Vicky Galo

Most (but not all) prayer shawl groups are church-based.  The ministry holds an annual conference in November.  Attending my first in 2006, I enjoyed meeting an energetic, congenial group of approximately 300 women (and one man!) from across the country.  For more information, including the next conference, please visit the Prayer Shawl Ministry website below.

From this mission, I came to realize fallen service men and women’s families should be included.  I contacted Senator Edward Kennedy, who represents my state, and he successfully helped me obtain the list of fallen soldiers’ names from the Army.  Thank you, Senator Kennedy, for caring and helping me to obtain this record!

To visit the home page for the Prayer Shawl Ministry click here:

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